“message——Invasion Project” is an interactive-trans-medium installment, in which participators send short messengers with their mobile phone, the texts will be copied and spread on the giant screen, bringing over-whelming visual oppression and amplified information. New texts will rapidly cover the old ones, thus to form a matrix of huge amounts of information, cycle again and again. These content are generated by the audience, might be lots of participators texting simultaneously, the messages might constantly churn out like locust plague, and they interfere with each other.The “Invasion Project” tries to visualize these flowing texts. The audience can enter the information data “field” and release their information promptly and freely. With animation form with spatial visualization information matrix, the audience’s senses were highlighted. When the participators are smothered by constantly updating information and emerging data. Such overwhelming is alarming that information may not please the thinking, but disturb physical body. All of these are like thought’s invasion to the physical world.
2011, Message-Invasion Project
2011, Layout of space, Message-Invasion Project
2011, Message-Invasion Project